Build It, Make It, Do It, Play It!: Subject Access to the Best How-To Guides for Children and Teens (Children's and Young Adult Literature Reference)
A valuable, one-stop guide to collection development and finding ideal subject-specific activities and projects for children and teens.
• Provides an excellent resource for libraries considering creating makerspaces
• Helps educators locate instructions for entertaining and educational program and curricular activities that range from cooking and e-drawing to performing magic tricks, solving puzzles, mask-making, and outdoor games
• Utilizes a subject heading organization and indexes multi-topic titles by chapter for ease of use
• Supplies plans targeted for distinct age ranges: lower elementary (K–3rd grade), elementary (3rd–6th grade), middle school (6th–9th grade), and high school (9th grade and above)
• Includes an appendix containing additional online sources of information that augment the book's content