Money and Banking: What Everyone Should Know
Six discs, course guidebook and two transcript books Lectures 1-18 and19-36. The importance of Money Money as a social contract How is MOney Created Monetary History of the US How inflation erodes the value of money Hyperinflation is the repudiation of money Saving the source of funds for investment The real rate of interest Financial intermediaries Commercial Banks Central banks Present value Probability, Expected Value and uncertainty Risk and Risk Aversion An Introduction to Bond Markets Bond Prices and Yields How economic Forces Affect Interest rates Why Interest Rates move together The Term Structure of Interest Rates Introduction to the Stock market Stock Price Fundamentals Stock Market Bubbles and irrational Exuberance Derivative Securities Asymmetric Information Regulation of Financial Firms Subprime Mortgage Crisis and Reregulation Interest Rate policy at the FED and ECB The objectives of Monetary Policy Should Central Banks Follow a Policy Rule Extraordinary Tools for Extraordinary Times Central Bank Independence The Foreign Exchange Value of the Dollar Exchange Rates and international banking Monetary Policy coordination Challenges for the future