Under His Influence: Yielding to the Work of the Holy Spirit
"Under His Influence: Yielding to the Work of the Holy Spirit," gives practical insight to the questions we all have regarding how we are to live as Christians. In it's pages we discover that the key to victorious Christian living is found not in our strength, determination, or willpower, but rather in our willingness to yield our lives completely to the influence of the Holy Spirit. It is only as we are yielded to the Spirit of God, who dwells in us and wants to empower us every day that we will have the strength to overcome the tendencies of our flesh, and experience the life that we are intended to live in Christ.
Complete with an accompanying study guide, Under His Influence is an aide to personal application as well as small group discussion. It is sure to revive the heart of every believer, no matter where they are in their walk with the Lord.