Wildflowers Among the Cotton Seeds
Childhood can be magical, and one of the functions of magic is delivering the audience into another realm. In WILDFLOWERS AMONG THE COTTON SEEDS: Childhood Memories of Growing Up on Farms and in Cotton Mill Villages in Greenville and Pickens Counties, South Carolina, 1941-1959, Doyle Porter transports his readers to a culture and a way of life that to many readers will seem far more than two generations removed. Born and reared in a time when frugality was not a choice but a necessity, when the company store and the land provided a family's sustenance, and when child's play came from the wonders of the imagination rather than electronic boxes, Porter refreshes memories for readers who grew up in the mill towns and farms of the South and offers for more citified later generations a first-hand look at another place and time, but one inherently and unmistakably American.