Divine Sparks: Collected Wisdom of the Heart
Assembled in this book are over 5,000 Divine Sparks” collected quotations and sayings from every path of spiritual wisdom. From Abundance” to Zoroastrianism,” the more than 500 topics are arranged alphabetically. What makes this collection unique is the author’s vision of a broadly-defined spiritual spectrum covering all the familiar topics of spirituality, but wide enough to include topics such as ambiguity, bees, chaos, humor, identity, journey, knots, stones, whales and yew trees. Believing that spirituality and creativity are intricately linked, Speerstra includes many insights on such topics as art and artists, beauty, color, dance, icons, imagination, music, painting, poetry, sculpture, storytelling and writing. Women will find here a ready affinity with such topics as abuse, birth, blood, care-taking, circles, depression, dreams, feminine energy, friendship, goddess, healing, home, moon, play, ritual, etc. Those in business will find wise insights on such diverse topics as achievement, balance, communication, community, complexity, control, creativity, dialogue, discovery, entropy, failure, future, goals, innovation, knowledge, language, leaders/leadership, listening, living systems, motivation, order/disorder, possibilities, potential, quantum theory, questions, relationships, responsibility, service, synergy, talent, technology, values, vocation, and, of course, work. Close to 1,800 different authors contributed these remembered truths.”