Apocalypse Blue
In a busy hospital emergency room, a psychotic patient who holds a doctorate in virogenetics, accidentally leaves behind a manual for fashioning a viral bomb. He appears to be a member of a group whose basic tenant holds that humanity must be destroyed before it destroys the planet. Few people take the plan described in The Words of Doctor X seriously. But Dean Miller, the doctor who found the manual, believes he has evidence that the threat is real and deadly-several of his patients are dying of a very unusual illness. He sets out on a mission against a foe more treacherous and implacable than he ever imagined. This is a true story, torn from the headlines of the future . as true as we let it become by the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Mitch Goldman, MD has been practicing emergency medicine for more than 20 years and has seen well over 100,000 patients, each one of them unique and interesting. This novel is based on one such encounter. Mitch grew up in New York City. Before starting medical school at age 27 he held a variety of jobs, ranging from advertising executive to cab driver, to a stint in the Army. He has lived at various times in Mexico, Charleston, London and Paris. Last year Mitch and his wife Laura traveled to India to deliver medical care in a remote village. They presently live in Michigan.