Pick Up Your Poker Game: Tips and Strategies to Gain the Upper Hand
This humorous, laid-back guide to poker rules, strategies, techniques, and lingo will take your game to the next level.
Do you know what it takes to play the game? At the poker table, just like in the ocean, baitfish get gobbled up by sharks. To help you ascend to the top of the poker food chain, Pick Up Your Poker Game answers all the game's most important questions with over 50 tips and strategies to give you the upper hand. So whether you're a seasoned pro or a bare-bones beginner, this handy, information-packed guide will take your poker game to the next level by helping you discover:
Winning strategies when you don't have a winning hand
Bluffing techniques and when to use them
What players to choose or avoid as your opponent
How to help determine your opponent's hand
How to capitalize on your opponent's weaknesses and your strengths