If there's ever been a time when Christians could benefit from a careful study of the second chapter of Ephesians, that time is now. With its clear and comprehensive exposition of the Bible's doctrine of salvation, Ephesians 2 is the Rosetta Stone for untangling much of the doctrinal confusion found in our churches today. A careful study of these verses is indispensable to all Christians in clarifying our relationship to God and magnifying his sovereign grace in our minds and hearts.
A companion to Phillips's Chosen in Christ, on Ephesians 1, this volume thoroughly works through the doctrines of salvation in Ephesians 2, and examines, in light of current controversies, all aspects of our salvation.
New believers seeking a solid grasp on this issue and pastors seeking to teach with clarity on salvation can hardly find a more useful place to study.
Ephesians 2 also shines gospel light on the doctrine of justification (answering the questions raised by the so-called "New Perspective on Paul"), the vital matter of union with Christ, the relationship between individual and corporate salvation, and a host of other topics. More than that, a renewed emphasis on Paul's teaching in this pivotal chapter will greatly serve the cause of gospel vitality in our churches and our lives.
In the words of Philip Ryken, "Ephesians 2 is a celebration of life in Christ after death in sin -- not just for us individually, but for the whole new community of the people of God."