Fresh Light: Homilies on the Gospels of Year A
This is a book of short homilies on the Gospels for the Sundays and celebrations of Year A. The homilies concentrate on the core message of the Gospel and are catechetical in approach.Dr. Joseph Pollard has spent most of his priestly life in California where he served as Director of Adult Education for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and later as Communications Officer. He has been pastor of two parishes and Director of the Theology Department at St. John's Seminary, Camarillo, California. He has done parish ministry in the West of Ireland and lectures in the School of Humanities at the Galway--Mayo Institute of Technology. He has received papal honors from Pope Paul VI and Pope John Paul II. Pollard currently lives in Castleblakeney, Co. Galway, Ireland. Published by Liturgy Training Publications.