The Smuggler, the Spy and the Spider (Hadra)
Ishlair’s Councilor, Donya’s birthmother, her bondsisters and almost every Hadra in Ishlair agree: Donya needs to forget about her Shokarn lover and stay home.
It wasn’t her idea to first go abroad as a Hadra spy, but now her heart belongs to Suinyari. To be with her lover means lies, deceit, even ignoring her own nameall anathema to a Hadra. But she cannot help but go back...
A thief called Spider, an audacious smuggler as well as family and lovers join their voices in the story of the Hadra who fell in love with the enemy and balanced her people and her heart on the razor’s edge of fate.
Diana Rivers’ Hadra series has been shortlisted for national awards and represents the continuing tradition of feminist storytelling in science fiction.