Alternative Cures That Really Work: They've Passed Scientific Scrutiny-Now Discover What These Proven Remedies Can Do for You
Dr. Ronald Hoffman and Dr. Barry Fox, two of the nation's top experts on natural and alternative therapies, have teamed up to present the very best that complementary and alternative medicine has to offer.
Did you know that:
-the herb valerian may alleviate anxiety without causing drowsiness?
-homeopathy may clear nasal congestion as effectively as prescription nasal drops?
-cinnamon may help control blood sugar—but the trace mineral chromium may work even better?
-acupuncture may enhance the effectiveness of a common pain reliever for osteoarthritis?
What distinguishes these from other natural and alternative therapies is that they actually work. Dr. Hoffman and Dr. Fox have screened and evaluated hundreds of remedies to identify those that are scientifically proven to be effective for specific health concerns. Their exclusive one- to five-star rating system allows readers to review and compare remedies at a glance to try those of their choosing with confidence. No other book of natural and alternative treatments has used such rigorous scientific standards to determine which treatments are worthy of recommendation.