Knights of the Dinner Table: Bundle of Trouble vol. 43
We ve got a great batch of issues assembled for this volume of Bundle of Trouble (#147-#150) including the celebratory double-issue, #150! There s a lot crammed into this volume so I ll only highlight some of my personal favorites. Issue 147 continues the on-going story line centering around the Wurld of Hackcraft from the previous volumes. I had a lot of fun working on the parody of WOW. One thing I really liked about it is the fact it spans across many groups/characters in the MuncieverseTM many of which we seldom get to see playing and interacting together. I also enjoyed Hard Eight s meddling in the action and the behinds the scenes management of the overall game. This issue also kicks off a new BlackHands story arc Nitro taking a rare departure from his game of choice (HackMaster) and running his group through some Cattlepunk. I tell you, as a writer, sometimes you just hate a storyline. Maybe it fights you when you re trying to beat it into submission and get it in the deadline cage, or maybe it just doesn t turn out the way you had envisioned it. I ll confess that at the time I really wasn t happy with this arc. But having just re-read it, I have to say I m really proud of it. I don t often laugh at my own work but I found myself doing so many times on this one. The edition wars sparked by the new edition of HackMaster that spans the issues in this volume were of course inspired by the real world knee jerking to D&D 4e. Edition wars are just part of our hobby and they make great fodder for KODT. They also made a great excuse to revisit Hard Eight s Gamer Gulags when there was an uprising and Wes was taken hostage. Issue 150 happens to have a few of my favorite strips. The sequel to B.A. s pirate campaign was meant to be a 5 to 6 page nod to, Luck of the Macaw from issue #5 of KODT. But like so many strips it took a life of its own. In fact a LOT of material ended up being culled and put to the side. Maybe we ll see further adventures of the HackBeth and her crew down the road. The strip, I Believe, I Believe began as a short idea submitted by reader (Joseph Trowbridge). When I gave it to my wife and asked her to expand upon it for KODT#150, it turned into something that would impact KODT for years to come. The fact that Patty has a wicked sense of humor and a bit of a mean streak is made clear here. That mean streak got pulled into Torment by Proxy , which I wrote AFTER seeing what Barb had turned in. It was an interesting side of Patty one that we ve actually seen hints of over they years (The Mommy Mommy, I wet myself ring tone for example). But I Believe, I Believe brought it out in the open and shed some light on it. Some readers noted that KODT#150 was something of a Rise of the Women affair with the guys getting their just reward. -Jolly Blackburn