Human Societies: An Introduction to Macrosociology
This new supplemented edition offers instructors and students an exiting new pedagogical tool for Human Societies, the classic textbook now in its 40th year of service to social science. While previous editions have continually updated the text, this supplemented edition is the first to offer a featured section about the future. Teachers and students can now use the long-term conceptual tools introduced in Human Societies to assess future world developments in demography, culture, politics, economies, and even on such specific topics as terrorism. New readings from sociologist Jack Goldstone and scientist Joel E. Cohen are coupled with assignments for classroom discussion, paper assignments, and focus groups. The supplemented edition also incorporates redesigned charts, tables, and figures for easier reading.
A companion student study guide, Studying Human Societies, by Patrick Nolan is available. An Instructor’s Manual is made available electronically to professors adopting the text.
Perfect for your courses in:
Introduction to Sociology
Social Change
Comparative and International Sociology
New to the Supplemented Eleventh Edition