An Ominous Death
Maggie Browne and the members of the St. Rose Quilting Bee are back, attempting to solve a mystery as they work on their quilts. Sometime Bee member Candy Breckner is at the Palo Verde Care Center to recover from an auto accident; with two broken legs, she cannot manage on her own. Maggie and the Bee decide to visit, taking her a lap quilt they've made especially for her. (Pattern included) Candy breaks down when she sees them, saying that she's afraid there's an "angel of death" at work in the facility. Dismissing her story as a side effect of medication, the women begin to have second thoughts when she dies suddenly. Especially when police questioning seems to indicate an unexpected interest in Bee member Louise Lombard, who discovered the body. Using their own unique style of investigating, Maggie and the others find the proper mix between quilting and investigative work. But will it be enough to save Louise . . . and another potential victim?
Annette Mahon is an avid reader who always wanted to write novels of her own. She is also a quilter, and enjoys including quilts and quilters in her novels. A native of Hilo, Hawaii, she now resides in Arizona.