Cuba Detras del Telon II/ Cuba Behind the Curtain II (Polymita) (Spanish Edition)
This second volume completes the author s scrupulous journey around the history of Cuban theater. Starting with the first decade of the Revolution, the volume examines the fundamental works of the principle dramatic authors of this period such as Jose Triana, Abelardo Estorino, Anton Arrufat, Virgilio Pinera, Hector Quintero, Jose Brene, Jose Milian Eugenio Hernandez Espinosa, David Camps, Ignacio Gutierrez, Raul Gonzalez de Cascorro, Jesus Diaz, as well as more contemporary writers such as Jose Cid, Julio Matas, Eduardo Manet, Leopoldo Hernandez and Rene Ariza. Their works, as well as the context in which they were written and produced and analyzed and critiqued. This is a fundamental tool for studying and understanding Cuban theater and literature.