The Professional Volunteer Fire Department
"The Professional Volunteer Fire Department" by Tom Merrill highlights the importance of developing and upholding a professional reputation in the firefighting community, regardless of whether one is a paid or volunteer firefighter. Merrill emphasizes that professionalism is not tied to a paycheck but is instead defined by attitude, appearance, competency, commitment, and dedication. Endorsed by several Chiefs, this book is regarded as a must-read for all volunteer firefighters. It provides valuable insights into recruiting, retaining, and developing professional volunteer firefighters. Merrill's expertise challenges readers to elevate their performance and raise the standards within their departments, ultimately contributing to the overall professionalism of the volunteer fire service.Through this captivating and informative book, Merrill aims to instill a sense of pride and service above self in volunteer firefighters. The book serves as a rallying call for those who are passionate about their service and ignites a fire within them to continue making a difference.