Options: A Complete Guide for Investors and Traders
Options expert Guy Bower's newest book on options is the one book every serious trader and investor should have on his shelf. This hands-on workbook takes you from the basics to the more compound methods of option trading. Real-world examples, an extensive Q&A section at the end of each chapter, as well as further resources, add to the value of this outstanding guide on options. Get on the road to success by becoming a more effective and profitable options expert now! Options expert Guy Bower's newest book on options is the one book every serious trader and investor should have on his shelf. This hands-on workbook takes you from the basics to the more compound methods of options trading. Starting off with a fundamental introduction into the options world of calls/puts, payoffs and opening/closing positions, he then leads you towards more complex topics such as spreads and volatility. You will become aware of common risks and pitfalls, and gain valuable insight into powerful techniques to overcome those very traps and develop into a more savvy options trader. Real-world examples illustrate single key points and make it easier for the reader to relate to the trading theory outlined in this highly informative options guide. Each chapter ends with a broad and detailed Q&A section where you can test your knowledge as you go. In addition to a comprehensive glossary, Bower provides you with useful and practical information on topic-related books, websites and software programs. Put this options guru's valuable advice into practice! Within no time, you will be a more confident and profitable trader in the options arena. Get started now!