Discover Christ: Developing a Personal Relationship with Jesus
What is the meaning of life?
---Why do I need a savior?
---Why is the Resurrection important?
---What does it mean to believe and belong?
---Why does Jesus matter?
Many people live unhappy lives because they have no sense of purpose. And Catholics who could reveal life's meaning to them need a book to put in their hands. Discover Christ meets both of these significant needs.
When asked about the purpose of life, most people seem surprised at the question. They often give answers ranging from I don't know to I guess I just want to be happy. With a series of chapters based on carefully crafted questions, Discover Christ leads readers to confront the crucial question of life's meaning and leads them to embrace the answer found in the New Testament and the Christian community. Readers will discover their purpose in the person of Jesus, who will reveal to them the Father who created them to enjoy the fullness of life. They will see how He will heal them of things that make them miserable; connect them in a loving relationship with Him and millions of others; and show them how to live a joyous and productive life. Testimonies throughout the book add authenticity and interest to the teaching.