Hilkhot Nashim: Kiddush, Hamotsi, Havdalah, Sefer Torah (The Halakhic Source Guides, 2) (English and Hebrew Edition)
The Hilkhot Nashim series presents an in-depth review of laws relating to women in Jewish ritual life. Tracing the development of responses on a given topic - from Talmudic to Geonic to medieval to modern - each chapter reproduces all relevant halakhic sources in both Hebrew and English. The writers then contextualize and clarify the sources, closely parse their language, and explain their effects on subsequent posekim. This guided exploration of the halakhic process exposes readers to the rich tapestry of Jewish legal literature, its concerns and considerations, and the full complexity of the issues it braves. This second volume is devoted to questions of women and rituals connected to Shabbat, in which women are taking active participatory roles - reciting kiddush and hamotsi, reciting havdalah, and touching the Torah. Four topics: Kiddush by Rahel Berkowits Hamotzi by Rahel Berkowits Havdala by Rahel Berkowits Sefer Torah by Devorah Zlochower