What to Eat for What Ails You
While it seems hard to believe, most doctors, in general, do not provide their patients with a natural health program after diagnosing them with a medical condition. While most illnesses can't necessarily be cured through diet and nutrition, often times you can help to control them, or improve your symptoms by identifying and avoiding specific foods, as well as lifestyle or environmental factors that trigger flare-ups or aggravate individual conditions. The Encyclopedia of What to Eat for What Ails You is a comprehensive guide to health conditions ranging from everyday ailments, such as bad breath or acne, to uncommon or less known maladies like rosacea and fibromyalgia, to serious diseases such as AIDS and cancer. Each entry in The Encyclopedia of What to Eat for What Ails You offers expert medical and nutritional advice from the respected medical field in which the professional works. The book is arranged alphabetically, and provides a description of the disease, instructs readers on the foods they should eat, the foods to avoid, and also offers suggestions on helpful nutritional supplements.