We are all called upon from time to time to be neutral intervenors in disputes, whether as coworkers, managers, parents, citizens, or neighbors. Taking Charge/Managing Confilct will teach you the skills and techniques you need to become an effective mediator. Along with important guidelines, the author provides useful answers to such critical questions as: 1. At what point should you step in to mediate? When is too late? 2. Should you agree to mediate if the parties have unequal bargaining power? 3. Is any agreement better than no agreement at all? 4. Should a mediator be active or passive? 5. Should a mediator identify new negotiating issues if the parties have not raised them themselves? 6. What if the parties, during mediated discussions, act in non-cooperative or disruptive ways, such as interrupting, calling each other names, or threatening acts of violence? 7. What should you do if the parties have reached an impasse?