Pro Jakarta Velocity: From Professional to Expert
I can strongly recommend this book for anyone interested in Velocity. For anyone not interested in Velocity? why not? /a /p /blockquote p id='quoteAuthor' - Thomas Paul, JavaRanch Sheriff /p /div p Nearly any application you build requires some form of output. And the output format may change on a regular basis -which can lead to a heavy maintenance burden and a restrictive test cycle. But by utilizing the power of the Velocity template engine, you can integrate templated output into your application, decoupling the application logic from the output format. /p p Pro Jakarta Velocity: From Professional to Expert leads leads you immediately toward configuration and setup, all the way to full-blown application development. This is not merely a book about web development-as the multipurpose Velocity does more than replace JSP. Instead, this book demonstrates many of these alternative Velocity uses. This in-depth book also shows you how to integrate Velocity development and use it with other open-source frameworks and tools such as Spring and Apache Struts. /p