1800 Miles On A Burmese Pony
In early 1887 the adventurous, if inexperienced, equestrian explorer set off with a Ghurka orderly, a Madrassi cook, an interpreter known as the Archbishop and of course the hero of this tale, Joe the Burmese Pony. There is no tale in all of equestrian travel literature which paints a picture of a more loveable scamp than Joe, this delightful four-footed rascal. With his keen eye, Younghusband regales his readers with remarks on the customs of the country, made me positively weep to see a great brawny elephant looking quite injured at having to carry a load that one of our regimental mules would have smiled sarcastically at. Yet this is no story of brawny elephants. It deals instead with Younghusband's Burmese pony, who despite his diminutive size, gave the professional horseman more than he bargained for.