Story Monsters Among Us: A Brief History of Human Storytelling.
The Storyteller’s tool for engaging the imagination of young readers … for teachers, librarians, parents, and all storytellers! Story Monsters Among Us takes readers on a succinct, yet entertaining time-traveling journey through the history of storytelling. Beginning with the origins some 50,000 years ago, human beings have been enthralled with the idea of crafting juicy tales for consumption. This book illuminates the essence of those stories while inspiring young readers to continue the tradition by creating their unique story monster. What makes this book unique? The art of storytelling is innate to all humans, and it helps form the foundation for all teaching and learning. Author Conrad J. Storad cleverly reminds readers just how long we’ve been doing this whole storytelling thing, while simultaneously sparking a renewed sense of joy and appreciation for the production and consumption of these stories. Whether it’s parents reading to their children, or teachers and librarians reading to students, adults will no doubt be reminded of the stories they first fell in love with as kids and that should make story time all the more meaningful. A free curriculum guide that complements the book is available for parents, teachers and librarians to download.