Landscaping with Bulbs (Black & Decker Outdoor Home Series)
Bulbs are truly magical members of the gardening world-buried treasure. The strange, twisted, sometimes ugly tubers, corms, and true bulbs planted and forgotten in the fall will erupt into some of nature's most spectacular, unique and colorful blooms in the spring and summer. It is the early bulbs that mark the end of winter and the start of spring in most of the gardening world, but many bulb species perform their magic in the summer, or even autumn.
This is the most comprehensive, up-to-date book on bulb-gardening now available. Its plant encyclopedia includes many new developments in bulb horticulture not found in any other book. And unlike other books, which are largely alphabetical listings of bulb species, this refreshing book is an overall presentation of planning, planting, and caring for bulbs in the garden.