Board Fundamentals: Understanding Roles in Nonprofit Governance
What is governance? What is the role of the board? What is expected of board members? And how does an effective board operate? Board Fundamentals answers these questions and more. The book is for new board members in need of an introduction to the principles of nonprofit governance experienced board members in need of a refresher and new ideas chief executives -- as well as senior staff who interact with the board -- who want to better understand their and the board's roles and responsibilities …and is the perfect vehicle for opening a conversation between the board and the chief executive about their respective roles in organizational governance. Within its pages, you will find a description of the nonprofit sector, a discussion of the concept of governance (something that seems murky to many people new to this type of service), an in-depth look at the key governance roles and responsibilities of the board and the individuals involved in organizational governance, and suggestions on how the board can most effectively carry out its responsibilities. At the end of each chapter, there is a set of questions designed to engage your board in an exploration of its practices. Boards that raise these questions in their board meetings are sometimes surprised by the answers and should use the opportunity to discuss how they can improve their governance.