The Witches and Wizards: History and Traditions of White Magic
For most people, the practice of witchcraft and the terms "witch" and "wizard" conjure up images of dark myths and mystic rites. But with its elegant presentation, lush color images drawn from medieval to contemporary sources, and wonderfully conveyed history, this visual almanac illuminates the true meaning of witchery and provides fascinating insight into the world of magic. Sacred places, power spots, enchanted sites, and rituals for reconnecting with nature: they're all covered, along with the traditions and ways of the witch. Find out about sorcery in ancient times, in traditional societies, and throughout the world. Tap into the Earth's energy. Uncover the facts behind spells and why they work, and learn how to make and use magic tools. Enter the witch's world, from popular pagan goddesses to kitchen witches, and the wizard's with all its male mysteries. Do divinations and moon rituals. Some witchcraft ethics and advice will keep novices on the right, true path.