The Long Way to a New Land Study Guide
HarperCollins I Can Read level 3.\nThrough Joan Sandin's story of immigration to a new life in the USA, The Long Way to a New Land, students will learn:
About the Author: Learn about Joan Sandin.
Historical Background: Swedish immigration.
Before-You-Read Activities: Ancestry, family tree, country flags, geography and map work, research on steamships, and learning about immigration.
Vocabulary words used throughout the book, utilizing a variety of activities to stimulate retention and growth.
Literary Techniques: Cause and effect, synonyms, action words/verbs, descriptive language.
Moral Lessons and Character Values: Helping those in need, preparation, importance of God's word, Bible study, God meeting our needs, answer to prayer.
Activities and Writing Assignments: Packing a trunk, historical transportation, crossword puzzle, past and present, life on board a ship, word search, illustration study, writing letters, cooking center.
Suggestions for Further Reading: We include an in-depth reading list of more books by the same author(s) and other books that tie in with, or are similar to, The Long Way to a New Land by Joan Sandin.\nAll of the unit lessons are written from a Christian worldview!\nLarge 8.5x11 printed workbook format is convenient to read and easy on the eyes Every question has plenty of whitespace for student's answers Encourages neat and clean handwriting practice Easily transports without the need for a laptop or other expensive equipment Provides a permanent record of the student's work Convenient, removable answer key included for the teacher! Study guides do not contain the text of the story, play, poems, or book. Recommended for 1-3 Sweden, 1868, New York, Ellis Island, USA