In the Mountains of Heaven: True Tales of Adventure on Six Continents
In this collection of twenty-five essays, award-winning travel writer Mike Tidwell shatters the mold of the travel genre. His writing is more than just adventurous tales about getting from here to there. There's plenty of that, of course, whether it's getting marooned on a desert island or traveling the Silk Road with nomadic shepherds or hitchhiking on Cajun shrimp boats through Louisiana's bayou country. But what makes Tidwell's writing different--what makes it deeper--is his uncanny ability to draw out those he meets--a Bombay prostitute, a Hanoi barber, a real-life Tarzan in the Amazon rain forest.
IN THE MOUNTAINS OF HEAVEN is a powerful and fascinating book of travel, a volume sure to earn Tidwell a place alongside Tim Cahill and Randy Wayne White in the pantheon of adventure writers.