The Best Is Yet Ahead: Pressing Toward Prophetic Fulfillment
God has a wonderful destiny for every life, but many Christians will die never having accomplished all that God has for them. Chuck Pierce and Rebecca Sytsema take a deeper look into why so many miss their divine calling as well as answer many other questions including:
· How can I break out of desolation in my life?
· What seven principles do I need to know to press toward my destiny?
· What do I do with personal prophecy in my life?
· How do I "war" with a word from God?
· How do I deal with hope deferred?
· What is God's plan for my church and city as well as for the generations in my family?
This book is full of rich, fresh insight for finding God's direction in your life, your family, and your territory. As you read you will understand how to press toward prophetic fulfillment, and gain new hope that the best is yet ahead!