Maya Featuring Creature Creations (Graphics Series)
The days of unrealistic, herky-jerky monsters, aliens, and Godzillas are gone, thanks to the power of programs like Maya. With this state-of-the-art application, you can create fantastically real creatures to take on starring roles or just traumatize other characters in a movie. Maya Feature Creature Creations teaches the fundamentals of how to develop, create, and implement your own next generation computer generated character. Written for 3D artists and modelers of all levels with a solid understanding of Maya, the book provides an easy-to-follow process for building an anatomy based CG character with physics-driven, elastic skin. Upon completing this book, you'll walk away with a character that was sculpted in clay and modeled with subdivision surfaces using Maya. You can easily modify this creature for own purposes and use the skills and techniques you learned to create a variety of other Hollywood-quality characters.