Health Information Management: Concepts, Principles And Practice
Health Information Management: Concepts, Principles, and Practice is designed to meet the needs of health information administration (HIA) students and educators. The textbook is based on the model curriculum for AHIMA-accredited, four-year HIA programs. The curriculum, developed by AHIMA’s Assembly on Education, mirrors the certification requirements for HIA graduates. The textbook also reflects the information management model recommended by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations -- a model that presents health information management as a concept that encompasses a continuum of activities from collecting patient-specific data to aggregating the data to generate information, comparing the data with data from other sources, and using the data and information as the basis for knowledge development and decision-making support.
Your students will comprehend the material faster because it’s written at the ideal reading level for students in baccalaureate programs. Every chapter allows you to:
Help your students appreciate how major concepts and principles can be applied in real practice-based situations. To accomplish this, each chapter begins with "Theory into Practice," a case study.
Provide formative, immediate feedback with numerous quizzes. The "Check Your Understanding" sections allow students to verify their command of the information presented in each section. The review quizzes included at the end of each chapter allow you and your students to set goals easily and, more importantly, provide a roadmap for achieving them.
Give students an opportunity to apply what they’ve learned by furnishing them with exercises, student activities, and projects. These exercises help develop critical-thinking, problem-solving, and systems-thinking skills so that students will be prepared for their professional future.