The Story of the Attack on Pearl Harbor (Monumental Milestones: Great Events of Modern Times)
The Japanese attack on the U.S. Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 was one of the worst defeats in U.S. military history. It began a string of Japanese successes that seemed to threaten the security of the United States. Many U.S. citizens and government leaders were on the verge of panic. But the attack was probably the greatest mistake the Japanese made during World War II. At that time, many Americans didn't want to go to war. The anger and outrage that followed the attack swept away those objections. It unified the country and made the United States detemined to win the war. From a strategic point of view, the attack probably wasn't necessary. The United States military was not prepared to fight a war. The Japanese probably could have achieved their goals if they hadn't attacked Pearl Harbor. They concentrated on the wrong targets. They sank or damaged ships that would play a minor role in the conflict to follow.