Collected Writings, Vol. 9 : Timeless Hashkafa and Index
This supplemental volume to the Collected Writings of Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch, the founder of Torah im Derech Eretz, contains articles not published in the original 8 volumes, as well as a comprehensive subject and source index to the entire Collected Writings series.
The articles reflect the ever-valid Hirschian ideology, on the following topics:
- Naphtulei Niphtalti:a refutation of Reform rationales
- Jewish Observations : a statement against anti-Semitism and derision of Torah
- Rabbinic Judaism and General Education : an affirmation of "Torah im Derech Eretz"
- Address: Schiller Centenary : an evaluation of the worth of the secular within Torah parameters
- Outrage in Hamburg : a criticism of a Jewish community's response to a forbidden marriage, thereby highlighting the need for independent Orthodoxy
- Address: Battle of the Nations : an appreciation of civil freedom and its meaning for Jews
- Two Letters : on the Aggadah - an analysis of the authority of Halachah and Aggada
- Carmel and Sinai : a call to faithful Torah observance amidst the challenge of the times