Reptiles of North America: A Guide to Field Identification (Golden Field Guide f/St. Martin's Press)
Discover the Red-bellied Turtle, which is nearly extinct. Uncover a Garter Snake in your backyard. Locate an Alligator Lizard-or a Legless one. Identifying reptiles is fascinating and fun with this classic guide. Abundant illustrations and the Key Characteristic system, preferred by professional, make this single-volume reference an outstanding choice for nature projects, collectors of all ages, and scientific study.
-All of North America in one volume
-278 species and 500 subspecies in 22 18 exotics
-Illustrations, include juveniles and adults, body forms, undersides, scales, and more!
-Text, range maps, and illustrations seen together at a glance
-Common and scientific names
-Convenient measuring rules
...Plus first aid information for snakebites.