Pediatric Nutrition Handbook
All the latest and best in nutrition support—in one place for quick and easy access! Prepared by the AAP Committee on Nutrition with contributions from more than 70 experienced practitioners, this superb ready-reference puts today’s most current nutrition-related information at your fingertips—the latest evidence-based guidelines on feeding healthy infants and children; all-new chapters on nutrition support of patients with liver disease and inflammatory bowel disease; recent advances and developments on breastfeeding, fast foods, vegetarian diets, newborn diarrhea, food labeling, preterm infant nutrition needs, and chronic obesity; the newest food guide pyramids—now called MyPyramid; newly developed growth standards from the World Health Organization for healthy breastfed infants and young children; and more than 20 growth charts for very low and low birth weights, full-term infants, children, and adolescents.