Winning Casino Craps
Long considered one of the three best craps book ever written—and one of the best-selling dice books ever—gambling authority Edwin Silberstang’s new edition coincides with the rapid growth of casino craps.
This new edition has been updated to cover changes in how the game is played today and how casinos treat their players. This entertaining and informative guide includes instructions for playing craps, illustrative examples from actual games, explanations for the basic betting combinations, dos and don'ts for making bets, and aggressive winning strategies. As the author says, “By the time you finish reading, you're going to know as much about craps as anyone who is involved with the game, and I include casino managers, pit bosses and dealers in this category. Not only that, but this book will reveal methods of play and strategies never before put into print. The purpose of this work is to transmit this knowledge to you, the reader, and to make you a winner.” This is practical and winning craps strategy from a legend. A classic that belongs in every gambler's library.