Logistic Regression Using the Sas System Theory & Application: Theory and Application
If you are a researcher or student with experience in multiple linear regression and want to learn about logistic regression, this book is for you! Informal and nontechnical, Paul Allison's Logistic Regression Using SAS: Theory and Application both explains the theory behind logistic regression and looks at all the practical details involved in its implementation using SAS. Several social science real-world examples are included in full detail. The book also explains the differences and similarities among the many generalizations of the logistic regression model. The following topics are covered: binary logit analysis, logit analysis of contingency tables, multinomial logit analysis, ordered logit analysis, discrete-choice analysis with the PHREG procedure, and Poisson regression. Other highlights include discussions of how to use the GENMOD procedure to do log-linear analysis and GEE estimation for longitudinal binary data. Only basic knowledge of the SAS DATA step is assumed.