A Life Lost... and Found
When life takes an uncertain turn, friends Wilson Adams and David Lanphear are unafraid. They've already journeyed through heartbreaking losses to find healing and hope--and they want the same for you. Personal, provocative and unflinchingly honest, A Life Lost...and Found will help the hurting find life after heartache and grief. The authors show how God molds us into the people He wants--if we'll let Him. Adams, a minister, experienced divorce and fought for - and won - custody of his three yourg children. He knows firsthand the struggles of single parenting. Lanphear, an attorney, lost first his oldest son, Adam, who died in a car accident, and five years later his wife of 30 years, who suffered a massive heart attack and died a week later. A Life Lost...and Found guides anyone who has experienced loss on the journey of recovery. Both authors write with empathy, and answer the questions: Why did this happen? How do I rely on God? How do I help my children? How do I face holidays? Can I ever heal and move on?