Grieving God's Way
IF It’s been six months…
A year
Two years (or more)
And you still feel
Alone IF You’re afraid to tell anyone
That you’re still grieving
For fear they’ll think you’re crazy
If you feel the need to hide your feelings behind
A smile . . . and try to pretend everything is okay . . .
Then what you’re feeling is perfectly normal.
Did you know that it can take as long as five years or more for a person to adequately work through grief? But because we live in a fast-paced society, we often sweep grief under the rug, or ignore it altogether. Medical experts now know that unresolved grief can cause such health problems as headaches, depression, back pain, and even heart disease and cancer.
"Grieving God’s Way" is a book made to order for the grieving spirit. It will help you gain new insight into the grieving process, gain more appreciation for friends and family, and come to understand God’s plan for healing heart and soul. It may even help cure your back.