Out of a Distant Land
There is not a more touching and tender parable than the one Jesus told of the Lost Son in the fifteenth chapter of Luke. The lesson of the story, however, goes far beyond the son's emotional return to a loving and waiting father. It is the story of a restored relationship between a father and his son.
As an incoming college freshman in 1971, Gary Bond passed through the "Gate of Opportunity." He had committed to becoming a minister and had vowed that nothing in the world would stop him. Before the end of his freshman year, however, Gary found himself chained to alcohol addiction.
For the next twenty years he wandered in a "distant land" before finally "coming to his senses." This modern-day prodigal son tells of his miraculous, grace-full reunion and restoration with a loving Heavenly Father.
In addition to his testimony, Gary shares the parables and devotions of a restored son. Notice how God reveals himself in the simple moments of everyday life. By observing how God works in our circumstances, we can move beyond the spiritual shallows and experience a deeper, more personal walk with our Lord. Join in that journey out of a distant land.