American Pride: Famous Americans Celebrate the USA
In American Pride, Jill Liberman collected the thoughts of notable Americans, from captains of industry to sports stars, politicians to media celebrities, on what being American means to them. Spotlighting the patriotic spirit and visual splendor of our country, these words and photographs reflect homegrown affection for life, liberty and the pursuit of justice.
It is most often in trying times that we take stock of ourselves, our rights, our heritage, and our purpose. For the past few years, the question of what it means to be an American has been asked more often — by each citizen, in the national press, and around the globe — than it has for generations.
Fueled by recent events, this wellspring of emotion and dignity features the thoughts and spirit of over 70 notable Americans. Selected for their diversity in different facets of public life, this gathering of national honor bestows upon American Pride a visual and verbal bounty of the grace, strength and courage of our land.