Haggadah (Artscroll Mesorah Series)
Each year Jewish families join together to retell the story of our ancient forefathers' Exodus from Egypt. This becomes a very enjoyable andsignificant event when one uses a Haggadah that truly explains the Seder, stepby step, with clear instructions, and the meaning of every aspect. ThisHaggadah is complete with:
An Overview
Preparation for Pesach / Passover
Preperation for the Seder
Full Hebrew text
New translation
Extensive anthologized commentary
Complete bibliography of sources
One will acheive a new depth of understanding delving into the pages of this Haggadah with its profound, thoroughly relevant commentary. This is theperennial best-seller, and with good reason. If you have only one Haggadah, it must be this one.
Full color soil resistant laminated cover.