Discourse Studies and Biblical Interpretation: A Festschrift in Honor of Stephen H. Levinsohn
Stephen H. Levinsohn is by no means the only SIL International member deserving recognition for significant contributions to the field of biblical studies; all too frequently such work goes unrecognized, even if it is appreciated in some quarters. The goal of this volume is to see that at least in Stephen's case, his work receives the commendation that it deserves. Each of the contributors to this volume has had their ideas challenged or influenced by Levinsohn's work, and each counts it an honor to contribute to a volume honoring him. The caliber of these scholars should dispel any doubts about why we're honoring Stephen's work in this Festschrift; the list of contributors speaks for itself. If you have been wondering exactly what discourse studies has to offer to biblical interpretation, I commend these articles to you as evidence of the dividends that are in store for those who invest the time and effort to enter this field.