The Clinician's Handbook : Integrated Diagnostics, Assessment, and Intervention in Adult and Adolescent Psychopathology
This well-organized handbook is the first to link standard diagnostic categories with behavioral observations, psychological text correlates, and intervention options. Extremely versatile, it serves as a complete reference for mental health clinicians and as a valuable classroom textbook. Although The Clinician’s Handbook was originally designed for practitioners—including clinical, counseling, health, educational, forensic, and industrial psychologists; psychiatrists; clinical social workers; psychiatric nurses; family and marital therapists; and pastoral counselors—many graduate-level instructors assign it as a primary text, supplemented with readings on research relevant to the various disorder patterns, or as a supplement to a standard text on abnormal psychology. It can also be used in clinical courses and practicums as an adjunct to books on specific tests, test research, or test administration. Outstanding features: 1) contains in-depth information on all major DSM-IV diagnostic categories, MMPI-2 and other psychological test correlates, and the psychological treatments and psychotropic drugs that are useful for each disorder; 2) diagnostic issues, behavioral observations, psychological test correlates, and treatment options are organized by disorder; 3) emphasizes multimodal assessment and treatment; 4) provides bibliotherapy assignments and appropriate relaxation techniques for various types of clients; 5) includes extensive discussions of clinical challenges, such as suicidal clients, the criminal personality, deception, and malingering; 6) presents useful tips on case preparation and professional practice in the office and the courtroom; 7) provides up-to-date coverage on legal issues—competency, criminal responsibility, and civil commitment; and 8) contains a listing of legal cases that have relevance to practicing clinicians.