Lively Lessons for Classroom Sessions
Lively Lessons: For Classroom Sessions is like a breath of fresh air for classroom guidance. Each of the 21 lessons provides valuable material on the most-wanted classroom-guidance topics. The topics include: Positive Attitude, Self-Esteem, Kindness and Friendship, Feelings, Study Skills, Stress, Decision-Making, Conflict-Resolution, Career Awareness, and Drugs and Alcohol.
Each topic includes between one and five lessons with an original story which can be read or told to the students, related questions for follow-up discussions, and one or more relevant activities.
Many of the lessons use puppets, raps, songs, or other props to make them more interesting to the listeners. Lively Lessons for Classroom Sessions will hold your students’ interest and make teaching classroom guidance an enjoyable experience.
Appropriate for students in grades 2-5