After You Lose Someone You Love: Advice and Insight from the Diaries of Three Kids Who've Been There
Amy and Allie, twins, were eight years old and their brother David was four when their father suddenly died in his sleep. Encouraged and guided by their mother, the three children kept a journal for almost two years. They wrote about the night he died, the funeral, the first week, the first year, the cemetery, their thoughts and feelings, their sadness and grief - and the future. Later, they looked back on what they had written and added new reflections. They also offered suggestions for anyone who has experienced a similar loss - all from a kid's point of view. Amy, Allie, and David are real children whose lives were abruptly and forever altered. They have chosen to share their pain and learning, wisdom and strength. If you've lost a loved one or know someone who has, their words can help you, too, whether you're four or forty, eight or eighty, or anywhere in between.