The Last of the Honky Tonk Angels (Beeler Large Print Series)
One morning in tiny Mooney, Texas, a red Chrysler deposits a teenage girl on the doorstep of Lucy Hatch and her live-in beau Ash Farrell. For Ash, town carpenter and musician, the unheralded arrival of his daughter, Denise, whom he hasn't seen in nearly eight years-is a life-altering shock. It's a surprise for Lucy too, complicating her relationship with Ash, now that she's pregnant with his child. Angry, rebellious, uncertain, Denny must live in a town tinier than any that has imprisoned her before. But when she picks up Ash's guitar, they are bonded by his music. In its haunting strains and emotions is hope they can be a family. But an ugly incident divides both the town and the emerging Hatch-Farrell household-raising specters of suspicion, hatred, and intolerance.