Fate of America: An Inquiry into National Character
Discusses America's crisis of heroism and the threat it poses to democracy; Shows how the American national character is linked to an increasingly archaic heroic ideal or notion of greatness; Explores what would be involved in redefining this heroic ideal - particularly in a spiritual context - as we enter a new era of history; In The Fate of America, the United States is examined against the back-drop of the great civilizations of history. From the Founding Fathers and the legendary frontiersmen and cowboys, to astronauts, athletes, and other contemporary heroes, Michael Gellert profiles the development of the American heroic ideal. He reveals how this concept expresses the nation's aspiration toward greatness and its sense of identity and purpose. He describes how our national character informs this ideal, pinpointing what has caused it to go awry. Although America's original heroic ideal as expounded by the nation's founders had a powerful redeeming and guiding vision, the nation is at a loss as to what this vision means in a twenty-first century context. Through an examination of education, politics, the media, and many other aspects of American life, the author concludes tha