Kurzban's Immigration Law Sourcebook: A Comprehensive Outline and Reference Tool, 8th ed. (Kurzban's Immigration Law Sourcebook)
This book is written for practitioners and students. It is designed to be a quick reference sourcebook to federal and administrative cases, regulations and statues, and INS, DOS, and DOL rulings on significant issues in the field. The book represents the author's research over a 20-year period on topics and issues that are relevant to practicing lawyers and students of immigration law.
This sourcebook does not attempt to compete with or be a substitute for any treatise. A companion to Title 8 of the Code of Federal Regulations and the soft-bound editions of the Immigration and Nationality Act, it is intentionally written as a briefcase-size resource tool to carry to immigration court or interviews. It can be used to pinpoint significant cases and references on a particular topic, or as a basis for further research on an issue.
The book is also valuable to law students when read in conjunction with an immigration and nationality course and case book. Each chapter has previously been used as a basis for lecture notes in a law school course on immigration and nationality law. the sourcebook contains references to all major cases cited in Aleinkoff, Martin & Motomura's 'Immigration Process and Policy,' Richard Boswell's 'Immigration and Nationality Law: Cases and Materials,' and Stephen Legomsky's, 'Immigration Law and Policy,' that are used in the teaching of immigration law that are developed in his or her immigration law course.
This eighth edition has incorporated all available regulatory and case citations through April 2002.